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How to produce ad select the best axe?

In our life there are different types axes, Different axes have different uses. The type of axe you need depends on what you intend to do with it. However, the most common type of all the different axes is the hatchet, splitting axe, splitting maul, felling axe, which has a versatile design for cutting wood, felling trees, etc. The felling axe is also known as the American axe. Axes are classified based on their different designs and are named after their origins.


The weight of your axe affects how functional it is. If your axe head is too heavy, you will use a lot of energy to lift it and lose accuracy on the material. And with lightweight axe heads, you won’t get a deep cut. If you are getting your first axe, make sure its weight is comfortable in your hands. Once you get comfortable with the axe, you can get a heavier one.

A hatchet head is most used for felling and features a wide head. Mostly, it works with a short handle and is a one-handed tool that you can use to trim tree branches and remove tiny limbs on trunks.

A camp axe head is smaller than the hatchet and matches with a short handle to form a one-handed axe. It's portable, and you can carry it a small package.

A splitting axe or splitting maul has a simple design and features a denser head. The handle is sleek and is two-handed, thus you can use it to split wood. Additionally, it can cut small and medium-sized trees where you don't need to split the wedges. However, it works best on softwood than hardwood. 

The felling axe head is the most common tool in this category. It's mostly used for chopping and cutting trees, and the wide head can split wood effortlessly. The design features a single blade head. The head of the felling axe is aggressively designed with the sharp blade to bite deep into the wood. Handles are normally long enough to give a comfortable grip with both hands. The balance of the handle has to be great to give an easy swing of the arms without getting tired.

As we all know an ax has two basic components head and handle. Handles are often made of wood, fiberglass, or steel, and the Head with a strong steel material to make it last long and efficient. Axe or splitting maul, when you are using them , the most important is safe. There are mainly 3 parts, axe head, handle, assembling spare parts. They are very important point for an axe or splitting maul. Today, I will introduce the three parts.


Of course Axe heads have different shapes and different weight, even they have different colors, they also have different materials. For all heads exclusively tested carbon steel is used. Generally speaking, steel is a metal that contains a mixture of iron and carbon. When no other elements are included, it is referred to as plain carbon steel. Steel that has other elements such as Sulfur, Manganese, Chromium, Nickel, or similar are referred to as alloy steels. Heads are available in two different quality classes,carbon steel 45# and carbon steel 55#. Both quality classes provide an exclusive quality but with carbon steel 45#/55# manufactured tools prove a higher stability and posses a lower wear, therefore a distinct increase in tool's life expectancy can be achieved.


Don't underestimate a simple axe. The technical content is still relatively high. TOOLSLADDER use 45# and 55# round carbon steel, all products start from material to be finished products, we have 13 forging lines, most are Robot automatic forging lines. TOOLSLADDER design and develop the new forging lines, they have High efficiency and high capacity, The products have high precision, Uniform shape and Accurate size.


For one axe or splitting maul, the main is blade hardness. The heating process of an axe is one of the critical steps. You need to be precise about the temperature you are working with for the project. The best forging temperature for steel is around 1200℃. This step aims to ensure that the axe head is neither too hard nor too soft. It will also prevent fracturing, chipping, while also ensuring edge retention. TOOLSLADDER have two automatic heat treatment machines with high efficiency. The tools hardness result met the standard. Most guys are worried the blade broken, if the hardness are not qualified, when you cut logs or any others, the blade is easily broken. TOOLSLADDER process is hardened firstly, and then tempering, then we could assure each head blade hardness could pass hardness test. Generally there are two standards, one is Germany GS standard and UK BS standard. After hardening and tempering the axe head blade has a hardness of RD47-55.


A sharp axe is a safe axe. Firstly full polish the axe head, then polish he blade to be very sharp. The edge should be razor sharp so it is polished. TOOLSLADDER have five automatic polishing lines, the finish is beautiful and sharp blade.


Handles are produced either from American hickory or European ash, free of knots and wood defects. Hickory is much tougher, more stronger and due to its grain, a complete handle breakage is less common and the risk of uncontrolled tearing is minimal. TOOLSLADDER import hickory logs from USA, Ash logs from Germany, we have one year stock. We cut timber and produce handles, Handle humidity standard is 12-15%. For wood handle, we could make pad printing, hot stamping and laser. We design and develop fiberglass handle mold and do injection.

Why Choose Hickory Handles? Hickory logs produce the best handles and are selected for their heavy weight, and straight grain. The color of the wood does not affect the strength or quality of the handle. The U.S. Forest Products Lab has found no difference in white or red hickory's strength. Therefore, the best hickory handles may be white, red or a mixture of both. Sledge hammer, Axe, Splitting maul, Pickaxe, Garden Mattock, Nail Hammer and Blacksmith are among the handles manufactured.


   Assembling spare parts, such as wood wedge and metal ring, we have below fixation type, wood wedge+metal ring or AB glue. Wood wedge is made by hickory, very hard, so pulling test have no problem. Even they are very small parts, but it is very important, we could assure after long time use, head no loose.


After shafting the axes are carefully checked and provided with a edge cover. TOOLSLADDER have lab, do analyse various carbon steel components, pull apart test, hardness test, impact test, handle bending test, Salt spray test. We are sure each tool could reach the standard.


Now you know axe whole production process, so when choosing an axe, the first question is whether you want to split bigger or smaller pieces of wood, then you could select the right axe.

First you have to know what you need an axe for. There are all-purpose axes and axes that are design for one main purpose. Knowing what you need is probably the most important part of choosing the right axe.

What are your needs? Will you be using the ax:

While camping, or trekking in the woods?

For splitting firewood?

For felling trees?

For competitions?

For historical reenactments?

If you’re going to be in the bush or in the woods, carrying a bunch of stuff around, cutting relatively small pieces of wood for fire or shelter, you’ll want something light – like a hatchet.

If you’re going to be splitting logs or rounds for wood, you’ll want a bigger ax or even a maul, which are the biggest types of axes and specifically designed to split wood.

If you’re going to be felling trees, you’ll need something big, too, and with good cutting (instead of splitting) ability. Felling axes are made for this.

Let’s take a look at the different axe types, starting from smallest to largest

Large axes – Felling axes, Splitting axes, Mauls

These are the big boys of the axe world. These axes are made for felling large trees and splitting big logs and rounds of wood. Felling axes are usually around 32 or 36 inches in length and 3 or more pounds in weight. Mauls can be even larger and go up to 40 inches in length and weigh up to 7 pounds. That’s a lot of kinetic energy in every swing.

Splitting axe blades are typically heavier, best for splitting large and medium size logs. Longer handle give more speed and power. TOOLSLADDER axes are designed to have great balance, giving you more precision and perfect control for your splitting axe. Splitting wood is essential if you want to use the logs you have for fuel. Also, the process has a satisfying feeling when you cut down a seemingly daunting chunk of wood into smaller pieces. Splitting axe head, this is the probably most important factor to consider when shopping for a splitting axe. This axe is not meant to be used for cutting wood fibers, which is why it is recommended to split along the lines. In this way, it is unlike a felling axe that cuts through the wood fibers.

Splitting axes are not the same as mauls. Splitting axes are still axes with a sharp edge – mauls are duller and with a wider profile than even splitting axes. You can still do cutting work with splitting axes and even chop down small trees with them, although felling axes will be better suited for that job. Remember that axes are multi-functional tools – you can use them to fell trees, split logs, carve stakes and so on, but some axes are much better suited for specific jobs than others.

Small Axes – Hatchets, Camping Axes, Chopping axes

People often use the terms “hatchet” and “camp axe” interchangeably. The technical difference between hatchets and axes is simply that hatchets are axes you use with one hand. You grip and use regular axes with two hands. There are both one and two-handed camping axes. Hatchets and tomahawks are the smallest axes around.

Hatchets are usually 18 inches long, and weigh around 1.5 to 2 pounds. Hatchets are a good, light, “all-round” choice when going camping. You can split firewood, chop down small trees and remove their limbs, and clear an area of brush and branches with a hatchet. For most people, that’s all they’ll ever need. Good hatchets are also usually less expensive than larger high-quality axes, so if you don’t plan on doing a lot of felling, chopping, or splitting of large pieces of wood, a hatchet will serve you just fine.

Chopping axe blades are slightly lighter and smaller, optimised for small to medium size logs, as well as making smaller pieces of wood for starting a fire. These axes are also great for trekking and camping. Once you have the wood stacked and ready to go, you will need a pile of kindling as well. This is the job for the TOOLSLADDER chopping axe. It is lightweight, easy to use, and has all the chopping power of its larger cousins. All that is left to do is just stack my firewood and kindling for the coming winter.Not only have I cleared out overgrown and dead trees by felling them, but I have stockpiled my split wood supply and am ready for the outdoor and indoor fire season. It's your turn to add these powerful and effective tools for your wood preparing activities.

How To Store Axe

To ensure the long life of the axe, it is necessary to properly care for and store it. After you use it, wipe the steel parts with kerosene specific tool for it. It is necessary to lubricate the blade with machine oil to prevent corrosive processes.

This applies a long-term storage of equipment. Also, there is a special oil for wooden handle. If there is a leather case, it is better to store the axe in it. It is important to protect the tool from moisture. Therefore, it must be stored in dry and warm place.

Use only tightly planted implements, don’t drop the tool on the ground. If you want to make a pause during the work, you should stick the axe in wood or put it in the protective case. Do not chop metal or stone objects if the product wasn’t meant to do it.

Now when you know axe production full process and all niceties of choosing right axes, you can easily analyze all the points mentioned before in this article. Weigh all advantages and disadvantages and make a right choice for you!

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